Coaching Youth Baseball | Are You Working Hard Enough ?

Here is a coaching youth baseball story I wanted to share. Its about work ethic in youth baseball and achieving your goals.
  I was a bit early so I got see the end of a core strengthening workout.  The guys (mostly 9th graders) were beat.  Legs shaking, core fatigued, and sweating rolling off them like crazy.  It was great to see.  At the end of the practice one of the coaches asked, "Who gave 100%?"  Many raised their hands.  The reply came, "That's all I ask for." 
I know there are quite a few guys on this particular team I've mentioned who have dreams of playing collegiate baseball and beyond.  Who knows if that will happen or not.  The decision to be selected for a high level baseball team is completely out of your hands, so stop worrying/thinking about it.  Instead, place your time and energy into increasing your work habit to where it needs to be, now. 
The nice thing is that work habit is not age specific or talent dependent.  You can bust your butt at age 8 just as well as you can at age 16.  It's all relative. 
Are you working harder/smarter RIGHT NOW than 90% of the athletes in your home town? 
How about your state?  What about your nation?  The globe?
IF your dream is to play professional baseball, your work habit better match what it takes to get there.

Learn more about coaching youth baseball